Saturday, May 20, 2017

Term 2

Autumn is a time of colour and change and is a wonderful way to celebrate the new school term.  We have immersed ourselves in it by using our senses to look, listen, feel and touch and have used our green hats to create beautiful Autumn pictures and poems using rich vocabulary.

Autumn fun
  We have listened to a story by Margaret Mahy about a magical Autumn leaf called Leaf Magic and have written our own using her wonderful ideas. We are now making these into books to share with others.
Here are a couple for you to enjoy.
One day I was walking home from school and I thought I heard something following me, so I turned around and I saw a golden leaf.
I tried to run away but the faster I went the faster the leaf went.  So instead of going home I decided to go to Hamburgers cottage.
Hamburger was a wizard .  He was old and whiskery, but wise.  I asked him if he could give me a cage to trap the leaf and he said “yes”.
He gave me a cage and I caught the leaf.  Then I went home but I started to feel sad.  I wondered how the leaf would feel being trapped inside a cage.
So I went back to Hamburgers house and I opened the box and out jumped a golden goose.                   Finn

One day when I was walking to my house I said that I wanted a dog.
Suddenly I had a feeling that something was following me and I thought that it was a leaf.  When I got home I slammed the door before the leaf could get in.  It was probably alive and I did not like it.
It scared me and jumped onto the window sill.
When I was a sleep I heard a tapping sound by my window.  It was my leaf.   In the morning I went down to an old cabin and there was someone in the cabin.  I asked if I could have a cage and he said “yes”.  I saw my leaf behind me so I caught the leaf.  I started to feel sad because I missed the leaf so I turned back and instead of seeing my leaf there was a dog.  I was so happy I ran all the way home.
When I got there I played with my dog.  I loved playing fetch with my dog.  The next day it was show and tell so I brought my dog to school.  Every body loved my dog and I got 1st prize.                       Grace

Have a look in the office at our  beautiful Autumn- Ngahuru display and of course in the classroom.

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