Saturday, March 18, 2017

Beach Clean-Up, EOTC Part 2

Another great day at Haumoana School.  The day dawned sunny and warm as we prepared for our big walk through Elephant Hill winery all the way to the sea.  We were met by Damien who looks after the vineyard side of things.  He escorted us  down the hill in his van, finding the least muddy pathway, until we got to the bottom. He then opened the gate and stopped the traffic so we could cross the main road.  We were then met by Sally from the Regional Council and Sonya, our Enviro-schools facilitator.  They had all the gear we needed so we could find the rubbish safely.  We had a chat before starting our clean-up and then we were off.

Here's some photos of the process.

Then came the surprise!!  We were invited up to the Elephant Hill restaurant foran ice-cream.  Andres the owner came out and greeted us and told us a bit about the history of his winery.  Sadly his father, who had founded Elephant Hill, had passed away suddenly last year.  He then told us how his father last year had suggested we needed an ice-cream after all the hard work picking up rubbish and how he would now carry on the tradition.  It was a lovely gesture and appreciated by everyone who sampled the delicious treat. We enjoyed sitting and relaxing before the big walk up- hill back to school.

Then to finish off another fantastic day we had a fish n chip lunch back at school.
WOW our EOTC week was AWESOME

A BIG thankyou to everyone who helped make our week such a success.

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